What will happen to the poor?

Jun 27, 2006

SIR — I have observed an unfair trend. Many religious ceremonies have become commercialised. For example, it appears that the holy matrimony ceremonies are only for the rich! The expenses involved in such a function are immense with the rising church fee, gowns, expensive cars and venues. How will

SIR — I have observed an unfair trend. Many religious ceremonies have become commercialised. For example, it appears that the holy matrimony ceremonies are only for the rich! The expenses involved in such a function are immense with the rising church fee, gowns, expensive cars and venues. How will a poor person afford this?

Surprisingly, the clergy don’t seem to condemn it and the ceremony that is chiefly supposed to bestow blessings on a marriage makes only a point of showing off.

So will the poor not get this blessing? This is one of the roots of the non-Christian habit of cohabiting. What can we do to prevent this?

Asaph Kabakyenga

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