Sign language has disappeared from UBC-TV!

Aug 03, 2006

SIR — It is nearly seven months since sign language intepretation for the <br>Deaf on UBC-TV was stopped! This was the only way through which the over 300,000 deaf people could access daily news.

SIR — It is nearly seven months since sign language intepretation for the
Deaf on UBC-TV was stopped! This was the only way through which the over 300,000 deaf people could access daily news.

Although the Uganda National Association has made endless inquiries about the matter, no response has ever been received from UBC management. It is important to note that provision of sign language interpretation on TV was one of the ways the government had approved in 2004 to enable deaf people participate in development as a means to achieving equal opportunities for all. Former minister of state for information, Dr. Buturo Nsaba had even communicated this to the Uganda Broadcasting Council and directed that it be effected on all television stations in the country.

To make matters worse the then UTV (UBC now) that had already pioneered this, abruptly stopped facilitating sign language without any reason to
the deaf community.

It should be noted provision of sign language interpretation on televisions is in accordance with article xxiv (c) of the 1995 constitution of Uganda. UNAD salutes WBs for maintaining sign language interpretation during its week in focus programme and requests the concerned authorities to intervene to restore sign language intepretation on the national TV.

Joseph Mbulamwana
Information office, UNAD

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