Phone print-outs show link in Kiyingi’s case

Aug 30, 2006

PHONE print-outs in the Dr. Aggrey Kiyingi murder trial showed that the disputed telephone number 041-541252 was used by a caller to reach Saada Nassuna who tipped Police off about Robinah’s killer.

PHONE print-outs in the Dr. Aggrey Kiyingi murder trial showed that the disputed telephone number 041-541252 was used by a caller to reach Saada Nassuna who tipped Police off about Robinah’s killer, reports Anne Mugisa and Hillary Kiirya.

The prints were presented to the court by MTN’s investigative officer, Michael Collins Mugisha. Mugisha said the print-outs show the number called MTN’s 077-606212, but does not indicate who the caller was or the content of the conversation.

Police witnesses said the hit man, John Atwine, called Kiyingi and Nassuna from number 041-541525, within a short time of each other. They said Atwine who has since died in jail told them that he called Dr. Kiyingi to ask for the balance of his killing contract money.

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