All religions have their fanatics!

Sep 22, 2006

SIR — Some people have lost their heads about what Pope Benedict said without actually knowing what he said.

SIR — Some people have lost their heads about what Pope Benedict said without actually knowing what he said.

The Pope quoted the 1391 conversation of Emperor Peleologus of Byzantine with a Persian philosopher. Sura 2, 256 says “There is no compulsion in religion.” So, trying to spread any faith by anyone through violence is unresonable, no matter who does it. He quotes the Emperor, “God is not pleased by blood, and not acting reasonably is contrary to God’s nature.

Faith is born in the soul and whoever leads someone to faith needs the ability to speak well and to reason properly, without violence and threats...To convince a reasonable soul, one does not need a strong arm...”

Christians flouted this in Latin America and in Portuguese west Africa. They also did so during the Crusades and Inquisition. They acted unresonably.

Muslims did it when they invaded and took over North Africa and parts of Europe till they were halted by Charles the Great of France.

They also acted unreasonably. Almost all religious groups at one time or another have a few fanatics among their members who act unreasonably in the name of faith.

Does God need us to fight on His behalf?

God is omnipotent and almighty.
Muslims and Christians in Uganda are relatives and friends. They should both act reasonably and let the comments taken out of context never separate their kinship and friendship.

Henry F. Mulindwa
Jesuit University, USA

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