Kony not welcome to West Nile region

Sep 24, 2006

Joseph Kony and the Lords Resistance Army (LRA) rebels will be making the biggest tactical error if they attack West Nile.

Joseph Kony and the Lords Resistance Army (LRA) rebels will be making the biggest tactical error if they attack West Nile. Even before the press reported the presence of a big group of the LRA leaving their hideout at Garamba to establish bases in Ituri in the DRC, the ordinary people along the boarder in West Nile were already aware of the movement courtesy of our DRC neighbours.
West Nilers are eager to avenge the death of our people whom the LRA killed by ambushing buses, lorries and other vehicles between Karuma and Pakwach.
Businesses collapsed and people lost property worth millions of shillings at the hands of the LRA. How happy would West Nilers be to avenge for all these.
In the early 1980s, President Museveni and the NRA hijacked a plane full of businessmen from West NIle and took them to Kasese. The hostages were fed well and well-treated. When they were finally released, they reached Arua and begun campaigning and mobilising for support for the NRA. At that time, the Uganda National Liberation Army (UNLA) was killing and burning people in their houses, raping and looting in West Nile and a whole tribe had to take off to Zaire and Sudan. That good example by President Museveni and the NRA played a big role when the NRA entered West Nile. No bullet was fired. How will Kony and the LRA receive a heroic welcome when the people were being shot like wild game during ambushes? Some were raped, vehicles were burnt down and goods looted. Some abducted young boys from Arua were made to witness the massacre at Barlonyo by LRA. Yet recently the LRA was trying to deny it at the Juba talks. They escaped from there and have continued to tell the horrible stories.
West Nile lost prominent doctors, engineers, teachers, businessmen, children and property like trucks, buses, goods and money. Today, poverty in the West Nile is a result of Kony and the LRA than anything else. Any efforts by Kony and the LRA to give put on a human face to their war as a Northern Uganda affair is a total shame. Vurra County voted by 60.27% for Museveni during the elections and voted an NRM MP who is now state minister for transport Hon. Ejua Simon. We know only NRM.

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