Do something about street kids!

Sep 24, 2006

SIR — I call upon the government, with the the help of Kampala city council to get children off the streets.

SIR — I call upon the government, with the the help of Kampala city council to get children off the streets. Some of the children are a few years old and they are always begging for handouts from the public. This issue should not be treated with laxity because it is a big shame to Ugandans and is the worst kind of abuse to young children. Ahead of CHOGM something should be done because Uganda’s image is going to be tainted internationally. It is true that beggars are found in every city in every country but the phenomenon of using a one-year- old child as bait to attract sympathisers under the scorching sun makes Uganda’s case different from other countries! The government should trace the backgrounds of the children and link them to their respective MPs so that they can be taken back home. These children are future voters and leaders and therefore the MPs should take interest in them.

Mathias Masinde Kampala

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