In Brief

Nov 28, 2006

Church marks<br>KAMPALA<br>St. Andrew’s Church Bukoto will on December 3 celebrate 80 years of existence, the Rev. Canon Alfred Kwetesia has said. He said the church would hold week-long activities in the communities of Bukoto. Kampala Diocese assistant bishop Zac Niregiye will be the chief cele

Church marks
St. Andrew’s Church Bukoto will on December 3 celebrate 80 years of existence, the Rev. Canon Alfred Kwetesia has said. He said the church would hold week-long activities in the communities of Bukoto. Kampala Diocese assistant bishop Zac Niregiye will be the chief celebrant.

Cyclist dies
A bodaboda cyclist died on Friday morning when fire broke out in his house in Nsambya, a city suburb. Police spokesman Edward Ochom on Saturday said Yudaya Ssenyondo, 32, of Bisanje village in Masaka district was killed when the fire, suspected to have been started by a lit candle, broke out at 12:40am.

Theft charge
Sarah Ndawula, 30, a businesswoman accused of stealing a handbag containing sh124,000 on October 6, has been charged before Mwanga II Road Court. She denied the charges.

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