Feb 13, 2005

I thank Mr Opio Oloya for defending to death my right to say what I want. Unknown to him, perhaps, is the fact that there are people or groups in the world who are proactively involved in the spread of homosexuality in schools. They are sinking a lot of money to lure others into the “orientationâ€

I thank Mr Opio Oloya for defending to death my right to say what I want. Unknown to him, perhaps, is the fact that there are people or groups in the world who are proactively involved in the spread of homosexuality in schools. They are sinking a lot of money to lure others into the “orientation”.
People are increasingly sacrificing their health, morals and true sexuality at the altar of money. The guilt that surrounds such behaviour is not because society has hated it or kept it in the background, but it is truly deviant. They simply can’t reconcile themselves to the fact that a man’s sexual orientation was created to suit a woman’s although their desire is to the same sex.
To take attention off from the unsettled question of homosexual desires, they appeal to scientific research, court cases, debates and human rights.
Can’t nature really teach us? The church does not create a standpoint against homosexuality when the debate comes up.
it just expresses it based on the principles of Jesus Christ, its founder. That is why the debate in church about homosexuality should not be about whether it is right or wrong. It is just simply a sinful act.
The point therefore is how to rehabilitate those trapped in it. And this should also be the standpoint in schools. How we help those trapped to come out should be our concern.
Outright condemnation of the victims is unChristian. It may even provoke aggression from the victims.
Homosexuality is addictive. That is why people, having failed to break from it, think it is another kind of sexual orientation.
Homosexuality will multiply the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV in schools.
The elite, who are agitating for the ‘rights’ of homosexuals, forget the increasing health burden that already plagues the country as a result of these diseases. That to me, justifies why a government should be concerned about the sexual behaviour of its people.
Homosexuality is not only deviant behaviour, but it is also a source of more immorality.
Student victims, having faced the shame of rejection in school by their teachers and fellow students, go to the extremes of ruining themselves with drugs and illicit sex because they have lost self-esteem.
One of the key roles of marriage is to bring up children and future generation.
But how can a homosexual marriage fulfil those roles?
One of the causes of homosexuality in schools is the increasing access to pornographic literature.
But we can do something even when society is tearing itself apart as everyone emphases their ‘human rights’ against the corporate good.

The writer is a freelance journalist

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