Corridors of power

Mar 02, 2005

MP Mutebi Kityo (Mawokota South) is now facing fire for his controversial proposal that President Yoweri Museveni be allowed a third term while retaining the constitutional two-term limit.

Kityo faces fire
MP Mutebi Kityo (Mawokota South) is now facing fire for his controversial proposal that President Yoweri Museveni be allowed a third term while retaining the constitutional two-term limit.
He was recently overheard telling colleagues at Parliament that the Musevenists said his proposal was not good enough while the opposition thought he worked for the Movement.
Kityo, our advice to you is: “Ignore the pressure and stand for what you believe in.”

Confused opposition
Information state minister Dr James Nsaba Buturo has rapped opposition politicians saying they were expressing a high degree of confusion by attacking the President’s success in solving the federo issue.
“Our friends in the opposition have been using federo as a campaign tool. But now that the problem has been solved and endorsed by the Lukiiko, they are out of serious campaign issues.” Buturo said.
A member of Buturo’s audience suggested, “Since they are supposed to oppose the Government, then they should oppose its ban of the V-Monologues. Well, that could be a good one, what do you think?

‘God, punish Vision’
When water, lands and environment minister Kahinda Otafiire appeared before the Government Assurances Committee, one of the MPs said research had shown that the Government did not have a water plan for everyone.
And Otafiire answered, “The one who wrote that, is like my friends in The New Vision. They never write in full. They write half the story.”
When asked what he would ask God if he met Him, Otafiire said he would ask God to punish The New Vision.

‘The tough Mulindwa
There are some political issues on which one can not exercise courage by opposing.
In Ugandan politics, the Kingdom of Buganda’s demand for a federal status seems not be one of those things particularly for a Muganda politician.
Which is why some people are surprised about Bukoto West MP Mulindwa Birimumaso’s opposition of federo.
But he is not about to make any apologies for opposing Buganda’s demands; neither does he regret his position despite calls for him to apologise.
“I don’t simply make statements because I want to please certain sections of people,” a tough-talking Mulindwa told journalists.
Well, if ever there was Mother Courage, then Mulindwa is Father Courage.

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