The cleverer you are, the less sex you want

Mar 09, 2005

<b>QUESTION:</b> How can you tell if a man is ready for sex? <br><b>Wrong answer:</b> Look at his pants. <br><b>Right answer:</b> Look at his chest. If he is still breathing, then he is ready.

QUESTION: How can you tell if a man is ready for sex?
Wrong answer: Look at his pants.
Right answer: Look at his chest. If he is still breathing, then he is ready.

Yes, men are ready for sex anytime, but some want it and go for it more than others.There are women who want it more than men. And you can easily tell who can kill for sex by looking at the head.

A US magazine, American Demographics, surveyed 10,000 adults in 1997 and discovered a link between sex drive and intelligence. The more intelligent you are, the less sex you have and you want to have. So, tell me your sex life and I will tell you your Intelligence Quotient (IQ).

If you are the type who thinks sex and oxygen should play in the same league, that 30 minutes are a beep and you cannot have sex and chew gum at the same time, you are dim-witted.
The research found intellectuals with postgraduate qualification had sex 52 times a year, below the 61 average for ordinary graduates. Secondary school drop-outs gyrate a whooping 94 times while those who saw no books can easily hang 140 skins up to dry.

This means if your date across the table knows the difference between GDP and GNP, or can explain the cobweb theory, your chances of seeing their nakedness soon are as slim as Arsenal’s title hopes. But if this person has never heard of the Pythagoras theorem, go on red alert for sex.

Psychologists think it is inferiority complex. A person who thinks the partner will be impressed at a neighbour’s graduation party, must make a point the previous night to prove that the groin can outtalk the brain.

But a professor, who is respected per see, applauded in conferences and consulted in vital matters, has nothing, aside pen and paper, to prove. On the contrary, this high esteem creates psychological pressure and anxiety to extend the aura to the bed. They approach sex wondering whether their fire-spitting prowess in lecture rooms and conferences won’t be diluted by under-performance. And the more they can avoid this performance anxiety, the better.

Naturalists say sex is our animal instinct to survive. The closer to our ancestor in intellect you are, the more you vigorously pursue sex. But for an academician, whose brains are distracted by new stimuli, information, plans for the better and anxiety to remain on top, sex ceases to be priority. A man pursuing a PhD sets himself goals that compete with his animal drive for sex.

That is why Anne Weyman, chief executive, Family Planning Association, said that ambition is the best form of contraception.
According to sociology, the more problems a couple faces, the higher the propensity to copulate. That is why population increases during war times! The poor tend to produce more.

The University of North Carolina, examined teenagers’ sexual habits, and revealed smarter adolescents start having sexual relations later than teens of average intelligence. “An adolescent with an IQ of 100 — average intelligence — was up to five times as likely to have had sexual relations than a peer with an intelligence score of 120-130,” Dr Carolyn Halpern, a team leader on the research said.

Smarter girls were even less likely than their male counterparts to have sex at an early age. The analysis revealed that for each point increase in intelligence score, the chance of necking went down 2.5% for boys and 1.6% for girls. The likelihood of sex decreased 2.7% for boys and 1.7% for girls.

Good grade students may shy away from sex because they are already planning their future. And teens of lower intelligence are more vulnerable to being taken advantage of or less likely to consider possible negative consequences of having sex.

Another study by the universities of Aberdeen, Bristol, Edinburgh and Glasgow on the IQ hindrance to marriage showed that girls experience a 40% drop in desire for marriage for each 16-point rise in IQ. The study was based on the IQs of 900 women between their 10th and 40th birthdays.

In Africa, a Phd woman has less than fewer men to attract because women prefer to mate with their levels or a status higher. And women who can provide for themselves economically may feel they have less to gain from marriage. Intelligent persons are also better able to form preferences by analysing what lies behind the scenes in marriage. While single women do have sex, they have no control on its roadmap.

I also believe that a high IQ makes a woman less able to attract men when she wants to do so. Men generally want their partners to be less smart than they are.

So, before you register for any course, check your sex life. Does it prove you have the intellect to manage?

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