Who is a friend?

Mar 11, 2005

Martha Birungi and Grace Namusisi are best friends. They met at the beginning of the term when Martha was doing an interview to join Kisule Junior School in Bukoto.

By Elvina Nawaguna

Martha Birungi and Grace Namusisi are best friends. They met at the beginning of the term when Martha was doing an interview to join Kisule Junior School in Bukoto.

They are now both in P.6. Namusisi had been in the school before so she helped Birungi get along in the new school. The two help each other to wash their clothes and do their classwork together. They also talk and play together.

They want to stay friends forever, even when they join different schools after P.7. Birungi says friendship means being there for one another. Namusisi says friendship means being there for someone when they are in need.

What do other children say?

John Musoke, 13
A friend is your favourite person, even if it is your mother. It is good to have friends because they help you in many ways. When you are hungry, your friend can share his break meal with you. Friends share everything.

Shakira Kabagenyi, 9
A friend is the person you like most. When you go to a boarding school, you need a friend whom you can stay with. You share with them everything; eat and drink together and help each other in your classwork. When you don’t understand what the teacher has said, your friend will explain to you. You can also play with them as long as you don’t forget your studies.

Elias Nabeta, 12
A friend is someone who does good things to others, like giving them good advice. I discuss things with my best friend, Musa. We talk, visit each other and share many things.
It is good to have friends, but good ones. Bad friends can make you do bad things like escaping from school.

Charity Mutenyo, 9:
A friend is a person whom you are close to and you can play with, but not your cousin or your sister. My best friend is called Ruth. We play and do compound work together. Having friends is good because they can help you when you have a problem and if you have nobody to play with, your friend will play with you.

Joe Aliga, 8:
A friend is someone you do everything with. My best friend is Brian. We do everything together. I play with him; walk with him everyday when we are going for games, we share eats and talk about many things. We also discuss our classwork and do corrections together. He comes to visit me at home.
It is good to have friends because they make you happy and have fun with you.

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