French envoy Thiant says adieu at Francophone fete

Mar 22, 2005

THE French Embassy again hosted one of those lavish Franco-phone day fetes last Saturday.

THE French Embassy again hosted one of those lavish Franco-phone day fetes last Saturday, reports Joe Nam.

This is when the finest French wines freely flows and guests sample out the varieties of delicacies and drinks from countries united by the French language.

They are spread out from North America through Europe, Africa and Asia. But the French Ambassador, Jean Bernard Thiant, had something personal to say: “I have enjoyed my time in Uganda,” he said and added, “I am now an old man, I want to go back home and rest.”

But that did not kill the fete spirit. There was music, dancing and feasting galore. The Rwandese and Congolese women displayed their traditional dishes.

Ambassadors from Rwanda, Burundi, DR Congo, Egypt, Belgium, Algeria, Nigeria, Germany together took a toast to the continued solidarity of Franco-phone countries.

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