The Mulondos get a new life

Apr 08, 2005

<b>The story so far:</b><br>On the day Mr. Mulondo wins the Kauka lottery he treats his sons to a nice meal and then returns home in the evening.

The story so far:
On the day Mr. Mulondo wins the Kauka lottery he treats his sons to a nice meal and then returns home in the evening.

The story continues:
"We have brought you some cake!" Samsoni cried, "..Daddy has forgiven you. He says you can share his winnings."

Before Nalu and her mother could answer, a loud cheer sounded from the gate. The family ran to the windows just in time to see the neighbours pouring into the Mulondo compound.

"Well done! Well done !" Mzee Peter's voice boomed above all the others.

"This is great." Mama Daphne cried repeatedly.

"You are a lucky woman Safia to be married to such a rich man!" Hajati winked at Mrs. Mulondo.

"Uncle you are the best!" cousin Jethro shouted.

The neighbours and cousin Jethro pushed past Muko who was standing at the front door and filled up the Mulondo sittingroom. The residents of Kauka took up all the chairs, some of them sat on the floors, while others leaned against the walls.

"So how did you manage to choose the winning numbers?" Mzee Peter asked Mr Mulondo.

"I was very lucky," Mulondo laughed. "I chose numbers that were special to me like my age, my birthday, the ages of my sons, things like that."

"How much did you win?" Hajati asked.

"I won a lot.." Mulondo smiled.
"Can you help me fix my roof," Mzee Peter pleaded. "The rains have come and my house is leaking."

"My children are sitting at home. I need help with school fees," Mama Daphne put her hands on her cheeks.

"My chickens all died. Can I have a loan to replace them," Hajati chipped in.

Mulondo shook his head and sighed.
"I wish I could help you all," he said sadly "But the money is finished. I bought a house in the city and the rest of the money went to business."

"We bought a house!" Mrs. Mulondo exclaimed.

"Yes my dear and we are going to move into the house tomorrow!"
"But what about our neighbours and friends!" Mrs Mulondo wailed
"You can come and visit them in our new car."

"A new car!" Samsoni clapped his hands.
"I want to stay here!" Nalu cried.
"You can't stay here. I'm leaving this house to my nephew Jethro."

1. What does Mulondo do with the money he won?
2. Why do all the villagers come to his house?
3. What will happen to their old house?

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