Handle third term issue with caution

Jun 23, 2005

SIR — I was disgusted with the views of the “prophets of doom” like Johnson Nkuhe and Reagan Okumu against lifting term limits. I thought days of prophets <br>were long gone.

SIR — I was disgusted with the views of the “prophets of doom” like Johnson Nkuhe and Reagan Okumu against lifting term limits. I thought days of prophets
were long gone.

when did God give the two MPs a vision of Uganda heading for doom? Ugandan politicians should learn how to convince their electorate but not confuse them. President Museveni has done a lot for Uganda. Even Julius Nyerere failed on issues like Swahili.

There is no leader who has ever had a smooth ride. let the people decide whether they still want Museveni in power but not a bunch of power- hungry individuals. The unfortunate bit of it is that everyone thinks they are presidential material.

I wish to assure the opposition that that is a daydream. It is not as easy to lead a nation as it is to lead a political party. I say bravo to President Museveni!

Malinga Atim

SIR — The New Vision has published two articles, one on March 9 entitled “Museveni defends
Ekisanja” and another on March 20 entitled “I can retire — Museveni”.
Having read the two articles, I drew the conclusion that for his own integrity and the institutions put in place after a long struggle, President Museveni should not push for or even succumb to the massive appeal from the “peasants” and go for a third term in office. Katherine Hathaway had this to say, “There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend.

Many good or well-intentioned friends of the President have sounded out good counsel to President Museveni, urging him to stick to the constitutional provisions regarding the term limits, or even to his vow made four years ago that he would retire in 2006. He should listen, rather than view the opposition to “Ekisanja’ as a grudge by “careerists’ against him.

Amazingly there are other very NRM loyalists some of whom actively pressed for Presidential term limits while in the CA who have now made a u-turn and are pushing hard for no term limits... ....... To make matters worse. Those campaigning for the amendment to lift term limits have personalised the issues by urging the populace to embrace lies peddled around that without Museveni catastrophe lies ahead”.

I urge the President not to swallow the bait set for him by these selfish aides. Rather he should stick to his beliefs when he categorically asserted in one of the interviews many years ago, that he was not indispensable and that he had absolute confidence in other Ugandans’ ability to perform like him. He said society would produce worthy successors. President Museveni should not falter on this. He should safeguard his hard-won legacy.

He sowed the seeds of the revolution in Uganda and shouldn’t compromise the fundamental change he triumphantly ushered in. While its true he is very popular and has an obligation to serve, it is more honourable that he should bow out as the constitution he swore to defend and uphold demands. He should leave the scene to a standing ovation and retire rather than wait to be pushed like the ‘swine’ before him.

Paul Kamwanga

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