Why cheating in schools is bad

Jun 26, 2005

THERE is a lot you have read in the newspapers, you have seen or heard, suspected and even experienced at school or at home, but all is cheating.

THERE is a lot you have read in the newspapers, you have seen or heard, suspected and even experienced at school or at home, but all is cheating. Cheating in examinations is giving or receiving assistance or using prohibited material as a test aid.

Though this practice is greatly embraced by the society the effects in the long run are severe to the family, community and the country.

Several striking pressures tempting students to cheat are as follows:

Having performed poorly the previous year, schools with lower achievement accountability, some teachers who demand that you look to them as the authorities and that they are responsible for your success, room set-up and crowdedness, desire for short cuts or different cultural views of dishonesty (be it national or family culture, or other), lack of preparation but with pressure to perform well, panic caused by late school admissions and unclear instructions

Effects of cheating

It is a big disservice to the teacher and you. It erodes integrity and clear indication of incompetence. You will be lacking survival skills in future. You are so dependent thus will lack self-drive because of ‘spoon feeding’.

From childhood to the level at which you are, the objective is to discover the path to personal power and inner strength. You miss a chance to grow in self-responsibility.

Others control your life and your actions are their responsibility. During exams there is a lot of fidgeting, in order to avoid being caught by an invigilator thus wasting time and causing panic.

Cheating once usually starts a trend because one would expect that the teacher or the student would be more likely to cheat again.
This is a criminal offence leading to prosecution and if found guilty you are imprisoned for at least two years. You lose integrity in society.

Cheating could be virtually eliminated at a relatively low cost through the implementation of proper safeguards.

Cheating is immoral, disgusting and dishonest. But pay attention to your studies and concentrate on given questions during lessons because this makes the exam less complicated.

You should employ a more positive method in catching cheaters or deterring future cheating. If you suspect someone, inform the relevant authorities like the school administration or the police. Be careful not to make an accusation without having evidence.

When we fail to act, we fail to protect the honest students. Remember, scholarship is based on trust and respect.

Encourage the teachers to help you discover precious opportunities of self-control, personal responsibility and to develop your inner authorities.

Develop an action plan as a team. Focus on your learning; reduce stress by requesting for aid and assistance if you are not sure how to prepare for exams.

Discuss with the teacher and some friends how you feel, giving clear expectations, discussing model answers to exam questions from previous past papers. You can brainstorm possible questions and answers.

One thing that may also help you in the future is to create a computer system that allows you to electronically submit papers.

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