Erase failure from your mind

Jul 24, 2005

IT is the season for mock examinations. Schools are preparing their students for the examinations.

IT is the season for mock examinations. Schools are preparing their students for the examinations.

By definition, mock is a practice exam that you do before the national examinations.

A few subjects like German and Political Education mock examinations have already been sat for in Kampala district.

There are different aspects you need to note so that you not only pass your mock papers now, but also the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) papers in November and December.
  • Prepare well for the exam. Check that your calculator and other items you need are working.

  • Never borrow anything during the examination.

  • Observe the regulations. Ensure you have the required documents like identity card and examination card.

  • Do not be tempted to think your neighbour is brighter than you when they turn pages before you.

  • Avoid malpractices like cheating.

  • Never waste time. Losing time causes stress that may lead to poor performance.

  • Writing the answer for a number, but half way you decide to omit or doing the work slowly.
  • Do not entertain the pre-conceived idea that the paper is hard.

  • Way forward:
    Why concede defeat early? Speed is important only if you have timed and allotted time for each number equally.
    Most times it is not about the points, but systematic handling of the paper.
    Make your priorities and remove the irrelevancies to do away with panic.
    Be at the examination station as early as possible not to waste time looking for the seat number.

    Waste no time on one number.
    You must come to the exam with a clear idea of the strategies that will help you work well under pressure.
    Do not panic, but take a positive approach to your reading and answering of questions.

    Have a good look at the title of the text as well as any illustrations.
    They may give some important clues. Concentrate on what you do understand, not on the difficult words and phrases.
    Read the whole text before attempting to answer any questions.

    It is usually better to read the text twice at a brisk pace, than to struggle along once, slowly.

    Use your knowledge of grammar to find out the meaning of words.
    You will be in a better position to make an intelligent guess at meaning.

    Now decide which strategies will work best for you and practise using them as much as you can between now and the day of the final exam.

    The more you practice your grammar, the more you are likely to remember to use it effectively during the exam itself. This time should be spent reading and not at a drinking joint.

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