Why are the opposition so excited?

Aug 02, 2005

SIR — It surprises me to hear that the opposition claim their call for a boycott on the referendum was successful. The ‘yes’ vote carried the day by over 90%. now, how come the opposition are jubilating?

SIR — It surprises me to hear that the opposition claim their call for a boycott on the referendum was successful. The ‘yes’ vote carried the day by over 90%. now, how come the opposition are jubilating?

Suppose the ‘No’ vote had won or no one voted, what would the opposition be saying now? I am sure they would have concocted another story as is usually the case. They wanted the Constitution to be amended by the Parliament and not by the wanainchi. When parliament did so, they complained.

Even now when the wanainchi participate they are still complaining. I thought politics of concesus called for an all-out consent by all citizens, not just a few elite. Is this the type of leadership we expect to deal with more complex issues like foreign and domestic policies, and economic ones, if they come into power?

They have to be consistent and be tolerant with divergent issues to be credible. It is also high time the opposition started informing the public how they intend to turn around the Ugandan economy, especially the poverty being hyped about all over the place.

Samwiri Ochom

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