Uhuru Executive’s chicken pilao

Aug 26, 2005

<b>Dish:</b> Chicken Pilao<br>Ingredients: </b>Fresh garlic, onions and tomatoes, tomato paste, oatmeal, Pilao Masala spices and depending on the customer’s preference as an accompaniment – beef, chicken, goats and gizzards.


Dish: Chicken Pilao
Place: Uhuru Executive on Wilson road
Cuisine: Swahili Delicacy
Price at time of review: A pocket friendly sh2500

Fresh garlic, onions and tomatoes, tomato paste, oatmeal, Pilao Masala spices and depending on the customer’s preference as an accompaniment – beef, chicken, goats and gizzards. The meat or chicken is boiled half way, removed from the boiling water and then immersed in vegetables and pastes. The rice (Uhuru particularly uses Basmati rice), which has been socked in water for at least 20 minutes, is added to the meat or chicken.

Dish information:
Being a Swahili speciality, Uhuru’s Pilao has smiled its way into many people’s mouths because of its sizeable portions for both the Pilao and the meat or chicken. The rice is prepared so meticulously that one could literally eat grain for grain and in a bid to spice up its array in taste and presentation, the Pilao is mixed with small bits of Irish potatoes. Another key enticer is that it is served on a creatively partitioned tray with sections for the Pilao, meat, soup (beans or meat soup), kacumbari (mixed green chilies, onions, tomatoes, lemon), salad (vegetable) and fruits (pineapple or water melon). The customer then pours preferred amounts of each side dish into their main meal to meet their varying tastes.

Why recommended: Garlic, which has been known to provide both tasteful satisfaction and an additional health element; Pilao holds it in high content and levels. In addition, the garlic content blends exceptionally well with the Kacumbali concoction and the bean soup. As for the portions, meat and goat lovers will feast to two pieces, while the chicken enthusiasts will devour a whole part. Most importantly, is the fact that they use cholesterol free cooking oil, which will ascertain to healthy feeding and also inspire a very inviting aroma.

Reviewed by
Rogers Mugisha

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