FDC opens Mbarara office

Aug 28, 2005

THE Forum for democratic Change (FDC) on Thursday launched the opening of the party’s offices in 220 constituencies from Mbarara district, Maj. John Kazoora’s Kashari constituency becoming the first.

By K. Muhanga
THE Forum for democratic Change (FDC) on Thursday launched the opening of the party’s offices in 220 constituencies from Mbarara district, Maj. John Kazoora’s Kashari constituency becoming the first.
Salaamu Musumba, the party’s interim chairperson, said the offices would be opened in every constituency, including nyabushozi where president Yoweri Museveni hails.
She said Uganda was looking for change, adding that FDC would ensure that the change takes place.
“FDC is a strong and winning team,” Musumba told a rally at Bwizibwera trading centre in Kashari county.
She said the party had gained more supporters in the last six months, adding that the movement had gone down.
She asked the crowd not to vote Museveni if they were to protect what they had achieved from the movement.
“We in Busoga, Gulu, Acholi, Kitgum, Arua and Buganda have hated you. We think all the money that was bagged from the sales of our property was brought here although it’s not the case,” she said.
FDC chief mobiliser Maj. Gen. Mugisha Muntu asked elders from Ankole to request museveni to retire. Jack Sabiiti (Rukiga) said, “Museveni is tired and exhausted. Giving him another term of five years would be giving him a corporal punishment.”

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