
Feb 05, 2004

<small><b>Kony rebels hack 25 refugees in Lira camp</b></small><br>KONY rebels on Wednesday massacred at least 25 people at Abia internally displaced people’s camp in Apala sub-county, Lira district.

KONY rebels on Wednesday massacred at least 25 people at Abia internally displaced people’s camp in Apala sub-county, Lira district.
About 40 others were wounded.
The army had put the figure of the dead at 20 but a source said the number could even reach 40.
Second Lt. Chris Magezi, the UPDF 5th Division spokesman, said the rebels suspected to be under Col. Odhiambo came in a large number and killed, hacked and burnt several people in their houses.
“There is nothing we can do, but to catch up with them. Our major objective is to hunt for Odhiambo and group so that they pay for the sins they committed,” Magezi said.
Those killed were identified as Ogwal Omara, Julio Okwir, Jaspher Okullo, Yuventino Odon
go, Paul Ogwang, Opong Alobo, a student of Aloi SS, Okeng Ayok and Apolo Odyek Okello.
Others were Paul Okello, Kasilina Akoli, Eseza Amolo Obua, Omara Odongo, Paul Oramo, Filda Opio, Paul Alyela, Ogwang Okello, Ogwok Aron and Wilberto Okeng.
Magezi said the injured were admitted in Lira Hospital.
A survivor, John Obong, told The New Vision that some people were hacked with pangas and 17 people he counted were hit on the head using a pounding stick.
“I saw 17 bodies scattered in the compound with my eyes. We still expect more deaths because the rebels abducted several people and we fear they might have been killed in the bush as they were retreating,” Obong said.

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