Read Your Letters

Feb 20, 2004

<b>Don't play traunt</b><br><br>I advise my fellow pupils to stop truancy. Truancy means dodging school. Truancy is a bad act that is caused due to learning difficulties, bad teaching, over crowded classes, boredom and various attraction from outside the school. All these things can be overcame

Don't play traunt

I advise my fellow pupils to stop truancy. Truancy means dodging school. Truancy is a bad act that is caused due to learning difficulties, bad teaching, over crowded classes, boredom and various attraction from outside the school. All these things can be overcame by changing the school but not leaving studies.
Arthur Yawe, Leos Junior Academy P.7, Masaka

Problems of water
Many people walk 200 kilometres to go to a well to get water. But that water is shared by both humans and animals. Many people get diseases like bilharzia, diarrhoea and typhoid through drinking dirty water. All these diseases can lead to death. People using river water need to be careful while drawing the water and to boil drinking water.
Mariam Nankya, SOS Hermann Gmeiner School.Kakiri

Obey your teachers

Please children you should learn to obey your teachers. For example, if the teacher tells you not to run, you should not run because you can run and fall down and get a fracture. Obey teachers.
Ophelia Kemigisha, Sir Apollo Kaggwa School, Mengo

Rules to success

You must be attentive in class. You must listen to your teachers. You must follow the class rules. You should revise when the teacher is out. You must do all the work you have been given. If you want to walk out of class, you must ask for permission first. Always be neat in your work. Do not shout in class. You must respect your teachers. Help your friends to understand.
Lillian Kyobutungi,Claire Namanya. Mothercare Preparatory school, Kasese

Enjoy dairy success

Fellow pupils, have fun at 5.00p.m. every Saturday during the diary quiz for primary level. You will have fun as well as learn. long live diary corporation! Long live UTV
Lawi Wamwiri. Merrytime Primary School, Mukono

Maintain body hygiene

Bathe every day. Wash your hands after visiting the toilet. Brush your teeth with tooth paste. Wash your hands before and after meals. Wash your hands with soap when you are going to cook or serve food. Advise your friends to be clean
Gladys Nakibuule. SOS Hermann Gmeiner School. Kakiri

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