For Word Games About North, Play Scrabble!

Mar 08, 2004

SIR— On February 26, <br>your paper reported that MPs had resolved to declare the north a disaster area. <br>Since then, there has been <br>a war of words over the wisdom or the lack of it for this <br>decision.

SIR— On February 26,
your paper reported that MPs had resolved to declare the north a disaster area.
Since then, there has been
a war of words over the wisdom or the lack of it for this
Disasters come in many shapes and sizes. Most are weather related. Some are predictable, like the hurricane.
Others, like earthquakes,
surprise us. Generally disasters include floods, hurricanes,
volcanoes, earthquakes,
wildfires, national security emergencies, often of terrorist origin, and so on.
Terrorism is the use of force and violence against people
or property to create fear
and to get publicity for political causes.
What are the LRA’s political causes?
Terrorists are criminals
and when caught, they are put on trial. However, there is
an amnesty in force for
surrendering terrorists.
Uganda is probably the only place on earth where terrorists could enjoy such a facility if they so chose.
The north is already the focus of concerted humanitarian efforts. Declaring it a disaster area is not going to reduce
the LRA’s predilection for
terrorism. Neither is it in itself a means to an end to the untold suffering the LRA have visited on the people there.
It could on the other hand,
give the LRA time and room
to regroup.
So what’s the use?
My opinion is that declaring
a disaster area in the north would change little or nothing on the ground. Efforts to catch Kony himself are what will bring about the much desired peace and development to that region.
As for word games, I prescribe a game of scrabble for all those interested.

Adyeri Kyomuhendo
Brussels, Belgium

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