I Don’t Agree With Waibale On Ban On Smoking In Public!

Mar 24, 2004

SIR— I am writing in response to Mr Paul Waibale’s article “Ban on public smoking,<br>good for nothing move” in Monday’s paper.

SIR— I am writing in response to Mr Paul Waibale’s article “Ban on public smoking,
good for nothing move” in Monday’s paper.

As a long-time smoker, he will certainly be among those to feel the pinch of being restricted to smoking in designated areas.

I agree that the ban may not yet be supported by the law, but it is just a matter of time, and whatever other loopholes that currently exist (like the definition
of the no smoking zones), will in time be dealt with. They are not insurmountable, and the ban implementation is not impossible.

In fact, quite a lot of us non-smokers who are fed up of inhaling foul tobacco smoke, will now (without fear of being branded discriminative) happily put our new rights into action.

The doom he casts doesn’t hold much water. Industries like BAT can always scale up or down their production.

K. Kobusingye

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