I Need A Penpal

Apr 03, 2004

<b>Name:</b> Sharon Namala <br><b>Age: </b>12 years<br><b>Hobbies:</b>Making friends, swimming and camping <br><b>Pals from:</b> America, UK, Nairobi and South Africa

Name: Sharon Namala
Age: 12 years
Hobbies:Making friends, swimming and camping
Pals from: America, UK, Nairobi and South Africa
Write to:
Sharon Namala
Namagunga Boarding school
P.O. Box 68,
Lugazi, Uganda.

Name: Elijah Alinaitwe
Age: 13 years
Hobbies: singing, cycling and praying
Pals from: All over the world
Write to:
Elijah Alinaitwe
P.O. Box 26934
Kampala, Uganda

Name: Irene Nassamula
Age: 13 years
Hobbies: TV, Art, netball, swimming, novels
Pals from:Canada, Europe,
Write to:
Irene Nassamula
Box 293
Masaka, Uganda

Name: Immaculate Namuddu
Age: 12 years
Hobbies: swimming, making friends, reading Pals from: USA, UK, Japan, India, Italy
Write to:
Immaculate Namuddu, Namagunga Boarding School,
P.O. Box 68,
Lugazi, Uganda

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