Acholi Leaders’ Peace Initiative Wins Award

Apr 13, 2004

THE Acholi Religious Leaders’ Peace Initiative (ARLPI) has won an international award for the seven-year initiative to have a peaceful resolution to the 18-year-long conflict in Northern Uganda.

THE Acholi Religious Leaders’ Peace Initiative (ARLPI) has won an international award for the seven-year initiative to have a peaceful resolution to the 18-year-long conflict in Northern Uganda, reports Solomon Muyita.

The Japan-based Niwano Peaze Foundation awarded the 21st Peace Price for 2004 and a 20m Yen (about sh364m) to the peace group.

Archbishop John Baptist Odama of Gulu Catholic Diocese and current chairman of the group, Anglican Bishop Nelson Onono-Onweng of Northern Uganda, the Acholi Khadi Sheikh Musa Khalil and the head of the Orthodox Church in Acholi, Fr. Julius Orach, will on May 11 travel to Tokyo to receive the prize.
It is the first time the prize is awarded to an African organisation.

Niwano was established in 1978 by a lay Buddist Association to honour and encourage those who are devoting themselves to inter-religious co-operation in the cause of peace.

It has been previously awarded to Archbishop Helder Camara and Cardinal Paulo Arns of Brazil, the Corrymeela Community of Northern Ireland and the Community of Sant’Egidio.


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