Let minister look at Radio, UTV

Apr 18, 2004

SIR— As a concerned citizen, <br>I wish to point out that Radio Uganda and UTV are in poor condition and require immediate attention.

SIR— As a concerned citizen,
I wish to point out that Radio Uganda and UTV are in poor condition and require immediate attention.

I understand that the Minister of State for Information, Dr Nsaba Buturo, has visited this station several times. But I think he has only met the big officials and may not have visited the studios to see the conditions under which our brothers and sisters work.

To mention to you only a few of the things, the studio’s air conditioners are off, there are no head-phones, no studio with a computer, the radio is on and off air without the management noticing it.

Most of the staff dodge work save for a few presenters who risk their lives sitting in those ovens to serve us for only peanuts. These presenters are paid only sh2,000 per programme whether it is a
10-minute or three hour

Mr Minister, please take action on the matter as urgently
as possible.
Morgan Drani

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