Makerere is not a failure as Kabushenga feels!

May 24, 2004

SIR— I write in response to Mr Robert Kabushenga’s article “Fading glory of Makerere” in the <i>Sunday Vision</i of May 2.

SIR— I write in response to Mr Robert Kabushenga’s article “Fading glory of Makerere” in the Sunday Vision
While voicing his dissatisfaction with Makerere University, Mr Kabushenga at times goes overboard and is unfair.

He should appreciate that Makerere today is changing from a government-funded to a privately funded institution.

Such changes are gradual and come with challenges. The problems Makerere has today do not make it a failed institution, but rather one which is reshaping itself and surviving under stringent conditions of reduced funding.

What is important is that the management and staff are soldiering on to improve Makerere and retain it as a leading university.

He claims that Makerere’s quality has been eroded by competition. Working in a competitive newspaper industry, he should know that competition is healthy.

Makerere remains a leading university because of the quality of it graduates who are usually grabbed by the leading organisations here and abroad.

Even those who join leading universities for further studies abroad, continue to excel and compete comfortably with their peers from other universities. If there are any substandard graduates, this is no surprise because in any graduate class, some pass highly, others poorly.

His view that the search for the vice-chancellor was inconclusive and improper is unfortunate and unfair to all those who were involved in it and had good public standing and highly qualified.

Helen Kawesa
Public Relations Officer, Makerere University

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