Mulondos not allowed into school compound

Jul 02, 2004

The story so far:<br>When Kefa Mulondo takes his boys to a new school, the unfriendly behaviour of some of the staff worries him….

Mulondo Children

By Susan Mugizi Kajura

The story so far:
When Kefa Mulondo takes his boys to a new school, the unfriendly behaviour of some of the staff worries him….

The story continues:
Mr. Mulondo nodded and walked sadly away from the “Abundant Joy Primary School.”
When Mulondo returned to school, he carried a bag full of things from the school list. He had bought a supply of toiletries, blankets, mosquito nets, underwear and other things that had made Nalu shout; “Stop, that’s not fair!” when she saw them being stuffed into the bag for her brothers.
Nevertheless, Nalu still accompanied her parents to the school when they took the things later that evening.
“Are you sure the headmistress said you can see your sons again so soon?” the gate- keeper stopped Mulondo at the school entrance.
“Absolutely, she said she would allow it for a few minutes,” Mulondo replied wearily.
“Wait here while I inquire.”
The gate-man soon returned with the Mulondo boys in tow.
“I have been told to receive the bag and let you speak to them for five minutes,” the gateman smiled apologetically. He then opened the gate and as soon as he was handed the bag he closed the gate again.
“Aren’t we allowed in?” Mrs. Mulondo cried.
“No, sorry.”
“But I wanted to look around the school. I want to see where my boys are staying!” Mrs. Mulondo frowned.
“I can lose my job” the gate-man mumbled.
“It’s okay Mum, we are staying in a good place” Muko beamed from the other side of the rails.” The school is good, we have been practicing all day. The dormitories are good. The matron is good, she has even made me the dorm monitor.” Muko pointed at the badge on his chest.
“What have you been practicing?” his father smiled.
“Why does your badge read; kennel attendant !” Nalu cried.
“That’s how matron likes to call the person in charge of the boys dormitory,” Muko declared proudly.
“Samsoni do you like the school?” his mother asked worriedly.
Samsoni looked like he was about to cry, but before he could answer, a sharp shrill whistle sounded behind them.
“Your five minutes are up!” the gate-man shouted.
“We didn’t even use two minutes,” Mrs. Mulondo protested. “The headmistress has blown her whistle,” the gatekeeper said and then he added kindly, “The school will be on TV tonight. You can see more of your boys then.”

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