Nov 06, 2004

When most of us look at ourselves in the mirror, we feel there are clothes that we are simply tired of. So we get back to the wardrobe and try on our different clothes over and again, not able to decide what to wear.

By Carol Natukunda
When most of us look at ourselves in the mirror, we feel there are clothes that we are simply tired of. So we get back to the wardrobe and try on our different clothes over and again, not able to decide what to wear.
Then, because time is flying, we pick something at random, apply a little make-up and get on with our day.
But for a lot of ladies, it would appear that they do not have to worry about anything as long as they have got a pair of bell-bottom jean trousers.
“I actually spend less time in the mirror,” says one lady. “There’s no need to iron or change clothes over and over again.”
Many find jean trousers designed in a bell-like structure the ideal dress when they are hanging out. They can be used as casual or classroom wear.
“You don’t feel out of fashion in them,” says Aggie Nanteza, a university student.
When it comes to casual Friday wear, some people find them the most appropriate.
Bell-bottom trousers give one confidence and comfort.
“It’s not like a skirt where one is tied up,” says Prima, “You can do almost anything — jump, dance, name it — in jeans.”
According to James Kato, a jeans dealer in Nateete Market, “ladies look more real” in jeans. “The attire gives them a perfect feminine shape,” he adds.
But not everyone is totally satisfied with the new kind of jeans. Some people find them too tight while others complain that they can never find a perfect fit.
“What has happened to the ordinary straight jeans?” Julianna asks, adding, “The bell bottom is either too long for me or the waist is too wide.”
She says she usually has to look for a belt to make sure the jeans fit her round the waist. Julianna says it becomes a little bit expensive trying to adjust longer jeans to a comfortable length.
To make matters worse, trying to shape trousers into a required style is a flagrant interference with the designer’s intention.
According to Elizabeth Aine, a dealer in ladies’ wear in Wandegeya, the trimmed trousers become a lot more different from the actual bell bottom jeans.
“They look fake and anyone can tell they are not designer pants,” she says.
Aine says the only way to deal with long jeans is to buy a pair of high-heeled shoes.
Trendy as they may look, some people have certainly had a tough time to get what fits them properly.
But because everyone wants to keep up with trends, you can’t help but notice people with belts to fix the waist problem, high-heeled shoes for the length and baggy shirts for the tightness. Is that too much to do to keep up in the jean world?

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