Spare time for your children this Xmas

Dec 19, 2004

Memories of my childhood fill me with nostalgia. I remember December as a time of strengthening our family bonds.

Memories of my childhood fill me with nostalgia. I remember December as a time of strengthening our family bonds. It was a time when our family could sit around a fireplace and enjoy each other’s company. Our father could share tales of the olden days as we roasted sweet potatoes and cassava. While other more affluent families gathered around their television sets, we gathered around a fireplace, not watching movies but enjoying wisdom-filled tales from an old man. Those days are long gone and we cannot enjoy the fireplace union anymore but the memories will never be erased.
I still long for the fireplace moments, not because of the roasted potatoes we shared, but the solidarity those moments created in our family.
As parents dig deep into their pockets for stylish Christmas gifts, there is a gift often forgotten, yet so precious. Time. Children recall clearly and fondly the time spent together more than a birthday or a Christmas present. Any family wishing to build solidarity must invest quality time together.
We are living in a fast-paced world. Families are caught in life corridors as they struggle to make ends meet. Relationship between family members is no longer a priority. Survival takes the centre stage. We are becoming part-time parents and strangers to our own children. God forbid!
Do you belong to a category of parents who care for their children through remote control? Many parents desire to have time with their children, but the strains of livelihood make this impossible. The good news is, time is here and your child too is at your disposal. Will you spare some precious time for your child this festive season? Help your child to build a bank of precious memories to keep for life.
The following tips would help you strengthen your family bonds and establish precious memories:
l Develop a culture of having a family time together. Whatever faith you belong to, prayer is an indispensable family activity. Indeed, holding hands during family prayer evokes a sense of belonging and cultivates closeness.
l Spare some time to play with your child. This might sound crazy to many parents, yet children value it so much. Play helps you to relate with your child in a free, relaxed atmosphere. Fly kites, play indoor games and jump around together. This is the joy of parenthood. Enjoy it!
l Hold hands in an evening or nature walk with your child. Answer their questions as they wonder why the sky is blue and leaves are green.
l These family activities set your family apart and accord it a unique identity. Did you know that children transfer family culture and values from parents to their own families later in life? It looks simple yet you are building a legacy, which will remain through generations. Remember, your home is a model. Ensure that your child receives the right orientation from your family.
Your child doesn’t need things as much as he needs you. Although childhood is a precious stage, it is passing away. Utilise it and leave a rubberstamp in your child’s life. How great will you feel when your child describes you as ‘a faithful, caring and responsible parent’ 15 years from now? Do not forget that time spent with your child is more precious than an expensive Christmas gift. Wishing you a merry Christmas in your child’s company.

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