Wamala praises peace talks

Dec 23, 2004

EMMANUEL Cardinal Wamala has commended the peace talks initiative between the Government and the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rebels.

By Henry Mukasa
EMMANUEL Cardinal Wamala has commended the peace talks initiative between the Government and the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rebels.
He said the opportunity must be captured to achieve peace in the north.
In his Christmas message read out at his Lubaga residence yesterday, Wamala said events in Sudan and northern Uganda bring a ray of hope, the reasons Christians must exalt Christ.
He said the conflict in Sudan has had a spiral effect on Uganda.
“Our leaders have taken more positive steps in handling the northern situation. I commend them for what has been achieved in the region and in camps. I trust more will be done to sustain the peace process and to care for the internally displaced people where they are now and where they will be as we move to more lasting solutions,” Wamala said.
Asked whether he believed that the talks could deliver peace, Wamala said, “I have every reason to believe, ‘now is the time’ and if we miss this opportunity, it will be very unfortunate because we don’t know the future.”
Wamala wished Presid-ent Yoweri Museveni, the Kabaka and the public a merry Christmas and a prosperous new year.
Christians the world over will tomorrow celebrate the birth of Christ.

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