I was misquoted on White Paper

Dec 28, 2004

SIR— I was misquoted in your paper over my remarks on the White Paper to the Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee on November 18. My actual remark was:-

SIR— I was misquoted in your paper over my remarks on the White Paper to the Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee on November 18. My actual remark was:-

“That notwithstanding, no constitutional dispensation is made to restore monarchism and therefore do away with Article 5 (1) which clearly states that: ‘Uganda is one sovereign state and a republic.’

“How can one adequately and diligently discuss federalism in a great ‘one sovereign state’ and a ‘monarchy’ in an established republic?”

In other words, Article 5 (1) entrenches unitary Government, i.e. ‘one sovereign state’, which is incompatible with the fundamental principles of federalism. Unless stated clearly in the treaty to federate, the prior assumptions among those aspiring to federate is the relative dispersal of sovereignty amongst states undergoing the process of federalising.

It is within sovereignty that political power resides and that is where the executive branch of Government derives its legitimacy.

The unitary system of Government aggregates this power into one centre while federalism disperses it among member states.

Kakooza Mutale
Senior Citizen of Uganda

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