Children must be counselled and guided

Jan 06, 2002

When you critically look at the roots of strikes today, the school administration is responsible. I suggest that if the below listed measures are put in place, strikes will be history.

When you critically look at the roots of strikes today, the school administration is responsible. I suggest that if the below listed measures are put in place, strikes will be history.- Head teachers should use their full powers to expel students who are indisciplined in the school. - Teachers should take seriously the students’ complaints and suggestions.- The school administration should organise and bring people from outside to give students career guidance.- The head teacher should put up a symbiotic relationship between the teachers and the students. For example, the staff can organise football matches between the staff and the students.- The school administration should lay an organised system of administration by the prefects. Also put up a students council to defend student’s rights.- The government should also get boys aged 18 and above to be tried in courts of law if found guilty of participating or leading a strike.- Parents give parental guidance to your children. - Prefects also have to treat students fairly. Henry Mutebe,Junior Editor-in-ChiefAggrey Vision Kiira College Butiki.

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