Jun 21, 2002

It all happened in the MTN tent at the Goat Race last weekend when XXXXX a cameraman with XXX TV tussled it out with XXXXX who works for XXXX in the print media.

It all happened in the MTN tent at the Goat Race last weekend when XXXXX a cameraman with XXX TV tussled it out with XXXXX who works for XXXX in the print media. Apparently the cameraman has managed to convince himself that XXXX is now dating his ex-girlfriend who works for XXX newspaper. The cameraman has not been able to come to terms with being ditched by the girl last September. Swigging on a bottle of white wine and shouting at the top of his voice, he threatened to melee XXXX and anybody who dared come in his way. At one point he grabbed an empty bottle of beer ready break it on a table and use the jagged edges as a weapon. All this while a host of guests including XXXX, a wife of a well-known MP who has featured regularly on Capital Gang looked on.

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