Aporu Rules Out State Of Disaster

Sep 04, 2002

THE Government has taken effective steps to address the problem in the north and there is no need to declare a state of disaster, Christine Aporu Amongin, the Minister of State for Disaster Preparedness and Refugees, has told Parliament.

By John Kakande
and John Odyek

THE Government has taken effective steps to address the problem in the north and there is no need to declare a state of disaster, Christine Aporu Amongin, the Minister of State for Disaster Preparedness and Refugees, has told Parliament.

Amongin was yesterday contributing to a motion relating to the plight of the people in the war-ravaged northern Uganda.

The motion, which was passed yesterday was moved by Bright Rwamirama (Isingiro North) and requires each MP to donate money towards relief to the war victims.

Beatrice Kiraso (Kabarole) had wanted the motion to be amended to ask the Government to formally declare that there was a state of disaster in the war-ravaged areas.

She dropped the amendment amidst opposition from the Government.

Amongin, reading a seven-page statement, explained to the House measures taken by the Government together with national and international organisations, to provide humanitarian assistance to the people in the north.

She said the Government was providing food and other items, medicine and security.

Parliament was informed that in August, President Museveni directed the Prime Minister, Prof. Apollo Nsibambi, to co-ordinate provision of relief supplies, the construction of special schools for children rescued from LRA and the war orphans, the rehabilitation of community roads and other “confidential” security matters.

Amongin said the US$133m northern social action fund (NUSAF) project would begin on November 5.

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