Coronation event to go to villages

Feb 11, 2002

The chairman of the ninth coronation committee, Jolly Lutaaya, has said this year’s celebrations will spread throughout the kingdom, from village to district level.

By Josephine MaserukaThe chairman of the ninth coronation committee, Jolly Lutaaya, has said this year’s celebrations will spread throughout the kingdom, from village to district level.He said such arrangements will enable all the people to fully participate in the celebrations.The main venue will be the Mengo palace at a date not later than mid-August.Last year’s celebrations were held at Ggulu, the Kyaggwe sazza headquarters in Mukono.Lutaaya is chairing the committee for the second time. The first time he headed the celebrations held at the Nkoni palace in 1997, the palace was refurbished.He said he wants to ensure that whoever attends this year’s celebrations at Mengo palace reflects the royal wedding which was held at the same venue.

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