What the hell is in Kibaale?

Mar 25, 2002

SIR— It is with growing apprehension that I have watched the events unfolding in Kibaale District concerning the Bakiga and the Banyoro.

SIR— It is with growing apprehension that I have watched the events unfolding in Kibaale District concerning the Bakiga and the Banyoro. I am astounded that the Government has not swiftly come in to end the madness engulfing Kibaale. It has always been my belief that Uganda is for Ugandans and that regardless of tribe they can settle and work wherever they wish provided they are responsible and upright citizens. So for the Banyoro to say that Bakiga should be thrown out of Kibaale is despicable. Are there no Banyoro in other parts of Uganda? Don’t many of the Banyoro MPs own property and land in, say, Buganda for instance? Should the Baganda and all other tribes in Uganda stand up and throw them out of non-Bunyoro districts? Can it be that we are so feeble minded that we have forgotten so soon the ethnic cleaning that took place in Kenya? Alfred MutungiKampala

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