Bad boy Tonku thrown out of pal’s meetings

Mar 29, 2002

Close by and vying for the bad boy spot is Tom Nkulungira aka Tonku. May 28, is D-Day for Peter Kasedde and Liz Mwerinde.

Close by and vying for the bad boy spot is Tom Nkulungira aka Tonku. May 28, is D-Day for Peter Kasedde and Liz Mwerinde. Wedding meetings are underway, and as far as everybody knew, Tonku was bracing himself to be the best man. Well not anymore as the two pals had a recent fall out. Scouts say Tonku arrived at a recent meeting drunk, and caused a mini fracas which soon had him thrown out. Kasedde is holding a grudge and is looking around for a new best man. Gentlemen, need you be reminded to step into an orderly queue?

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