What is the cause of election violence?

Apr 09, 2002

SIR— The mention of election violence brings painful memories to anybody who has participated in elections in Uganda lately.

SIR— The mention of election violence brings painful memories to anybody who has participated in elections in Uganda lately. That Parliament must produce a report on the causes is welcome if only to bring about justice and plug the menace out all together.The right of eligible Ugandans to register and vote is constitutionally guaranteed. But that disenfranchised voters show outrage as a result is only understandable. Inefficiency, lack of credibility and hankering for executive privilege and recognition have not only undermined democratisation but propagated election violence, impropriety and indiscipline.The commercialisation of the electoral process has compromised the quality and integrity of governance and damaged the sacrosanct valves of free and fair elections. Bribery brings on violence when the cheated party seeks to invoke justice and the cheating party holds on to ill-gotten benefit. In the same way, the militarisation of the election process condones underhandedness and subverts democracy.Poverty occasioned by a poor economy is sweeping the jobless and underprivileged on to the “lucrative” political market. However, the ensuing competition has brought on unprincipled rivalry between contenders.The Police’s inability to protect and serve wananchi during elections and the Judiciary’s dispensing of justice in election cases saps the public trust in the law. The lavish praise and certification of elections as free and fair by local and foreign observers against the backdrop of all these problems leaves a lot to be desired.Other causes of election violence include: over-demarcation of constituencies creating more candidates and increasing competition and friction; declaration of wrong election results; maintaining a flawed election register; and the lack of civic education to make most voters aware of their rights and obligations.John OmongoleKumi

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