Mugabe is spot-on

Oct 09, 2002

SIR— On September 20, you ran a story entitled, “Zim to speed up land grabbing.”<br>

SIR— On September 20, you ran a story entitled, “Zim to speed up land grabbing.”
Zimbabwe is not land-grabbing but rather land re-distributing. Land is being restored to its rightful owners. It really worries some of us to realise that some of our brothers in Africa, look at president Mugabe’s policy of land redistribution as land grabbing. Please, always remember that the land in Zimbabwe belongs to Africans because it was from them that it was grabbed by the selfish and stronger colonialists.

R. Kabindi

SIR— I was irritated by an anonymous writer recently who wrote a letter entitled, “Why did he choose 2002 ?” The letter was in reference to the land issue in Zimbabwe. The West has conveniently forgotten what Africans went through under apartheid. Whatever, Mugabe’s weaknesses he is quite right on the land. Incidentally, after 400 years, Africans should claim reparation for slave trade. Only then can we talk of meaningful “human rights”. Therefore the issue of why now, is irrelevant. Zimbabwe’s land which was in the hands of white men was stolen land. having worked the land for some 80 years or so, it has become so valuable to the descendants of the thieves that Robert Mugabe has become an evil man. Who can invade England today and do what they like with her land? And why does it sound ridiculous? It sounds so because England is a strong and rich country. That is the only reason! why not heed Mugabe’s advice. Let blair keep his England and Mugabe his Zimbabwe!
Amos Kangwagye

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