The two letters on the Monitor saga were a brilliant idea!

Oct 24, 2002

SIR— Thank you for publishing the two letters on the Monitor saga by J. Mukasa and J. Oloka-Onyango side-by-side in The New Vision on Tuesday.

SIR— Thank you for publishing the two letters on the Monitor saga by J. Mukasa and J. Oloka-Onyango side-by-side in The New Vision on Tuesday.

J. Mukasa was the more pragmatic. Oloka-Onyango wrote too many words with too much idealism; I didn’t quite understand his point.

However, after all has been said and done, including things intended to make our country’s leaders look like monsters, we should not be diverted from the fact that The Monitor cheated the public. They packaged a product in the helicopter crush story and with it they fleeced, ripped off, short changed the public.

Do we deserve such falsehoods from newspapers — to be told that such-and-such an event took place when actually it never did? We don’t.

Marcus Manzi

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