How many terms for the President?

Nov 30, 2002

SIR— There are two fundamental constitutional provisions which will lead this country to prosperity or doom. It is clear in Article 1 that power belongs to the people.

SIR— There are two fundamental constitutional provisions which will lead this country to prosperity or doom. It is clear in Article 1 that power belongs to the people.

It goes further to determine their destiny as far as governance is concerned mostly through the referendum.

But in the same Constitution, another article talks of the term of the president of the day as a maximum two terms.

From the foregoing, people out there including heavy weights in government are giving their views that the current president should continue for a third term.

Which article of the Constitution is heavier than the other? Do the provisions contradict each other?
If there are complications in interpreting the Constitution, let the Attorney-General come out in full force.

Should people over-ride the Constitution because they have the power in spite of other provisions of the Constitution?

Peter Mweteyo

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