Sironko district council wants 121 new sub-counties

Oct 31, 2001

Sironko district council has recommended the creation of 11 new sub-counties to be created from the old sub-counties of Bulambuli and Budadiri counties.

By Nasur Wambedde Sironko district council has recommended the creation of 11 new sub-counties to be created from the old sub-counties of Bulambuli and Budadiri counties. The resolution was passed at the district council meeting held at Budadiri county headquarters recently. The council also recommended that eight villages next to Sironko district headquarters be joined to Sironko town council which is composed of 26 cells. The new sub-counties to be created include Bumasobo, Bumugibole, Buyaga, Bugitimwa and Bunyafa. Others will be Bukiise, Nalusala, Bukholo, Bumalimbwa, Masaba and Bukyambi sub-counties. Sironko LC5 chairman Massa Gidudu, said the report recommending the creation of the new sub-counties would be submitted to the Ministry of Local Government for approval. Gidudu said that the creation of new sub-counties was aimed at taking services nearer to the people. He advised people to pay more taxes. Sironko Chief Administrative Officer Joseph Balisanyuka advised councillors to always have prior of the development taking place in the district.

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