Vision columns back

Dec 23, 2000

Information minister Basoga Nsadhu has lifted the suspension of three political commentary columns in The New Vision.

By Vision Reporter Information minister Basoga Nsadhu has lifted the suspension of three political commentary columns in The New Vision. In a letter to the chairman of the board of directors yesterday, Basoga Nsadhu, said, "I am glad you have addressed the concerns raised about them (columns) and I entirely agree with your proposals provided the board ensures they are adhered to. I therefore agree with your recommendation to lift the ban." The board recommended that after review of policy guidelines, the columns written by Joachim Buwembo, Robert Kabushenga and John Kakande, and suspended two weeks ago, be reinstated. The guidelines stressed research, balance and the need to state the other side's point of view before criticising them as cardinal in commentary. "We have reviewed the existing code of practice and recognised the continuing need for freedom of expression and press freedom as embedded in the Constitution, The New Vision statute and the law on presidential elections," Ateker Ejalu said. He said it is routine for papers to review their operations to ensure they are within policy. Ends.

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