Ask the Doctor

Feb 04, 2011

I am on ARVS and have developed a rash that itches a lot. I also have chest pain. What could be wrong?

I am on ARVS and have developed a rash that itches a lot. I also have chest pain. What could be wrong?

ARVs are like all medicines. They can cause side effects. Some of them bring rashes on the skin, which may itch. For some of these drugs, the rash is an indication that you should stop the drug and never use it again.

When you are on ARVs and you develop a rash, it is important for you to see the doctor who gives you the ARVs and show them the rash. They will advise on what to do. So, talk to your doctor as soon as possible.

Do not wait for the next appointment because you need to know whether you should continue your drugs or not, but don’t stop them without the doctor’s knowledge.

The nipples of my breasts are not visible. The situation is worrying because I do not want my boyfriend to realise it. Please help me.

The nipple of the breast usually stands out from the skin. In your case, this is not so. This is the inverted nipple. It is common. One or both nipples may be inverted. For some women, the nipple comes out at certain times and goes back in.

One usually first notices inverted nipples during teen years when the breasts develop. If it develops later in life, you need to tell a doctor about it.

Inverted nipples are embarrassing, but not medically important. You are not abnormal just because your teats have a slight difference. Not everyone is perfect. Even your boyfriend is not perfect. If a person loves you, they will love the whole of you, not just one minor detail.

During pregnancy, your breasts will grow more. This may make the nipples come up, or your doctor or nurse/midwife will show you how to prepare for breast feeding.

Do not worry, Faith. Talk to someone.

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