Ask the Doctor

Feb 25, 2011

DEAR Dr, I would like to know how to strengthen the sphincter muscle.

I want to strengthen my muscles?
Dear Dr,
I would like to know how to strengthen the sphincter muscle

Dear Jane,
At the bottom of our pelvis is a sling of muscles. The openings for the anus, urine and vagina pass through this ring.
When it contracts, this muscle controls the rectum (passing of stool), urine (urination) and vagina (sex).
These muscles can become weak leading to leaking urine, faeces, or the vagina coming out. Weakness can be caused by pregnancy, child birth, operations on the abdomen and being overweight.
Kegel exercises strengthen these muscles for control leaking urine, feaces and are for better sex. A man will have a stronger erection and better control of ejaculation.
Tighten your muscles like you are stopping urine. It is best to ask a midwife or your doctor how to identify the muscles (because it is easy to do them wrongly).
Do the exercises daily for six months. A gynaecologist may recommend instruments to help with the exercises.

I get a thick discharge
Dear Doctor,
I get a thick discharge from my vagina, especially after my periods. It doesn’t smell. I am 26 and not sexually active. Should I be worried?

Dear Sue,
Every woman has a normal discharge from her vagina. It differs from woman to woman, but it is usually thin to thick fluids, with no bad smell and the amount is small. The discharge may change, especially with the periods. It also changes when you are sexually excited or near ovulation.
Doctors advise a woman to know what her normal discharge is. When the discharge changes in amount, smell, or becomes itchy, then there is a problem.

The normal healthy vagina maintains its own environment. You only need to bathe normally. Do not use douches or clean inside the vagina with soap. See a doctor if your discharge changes considerably, becomes itchy or smelly.

Questions answered by Dr. Paul Semugoma

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