Faith without action is dead

Feb 25, 2011

“I am tired and about to give up…”, “I am a total failure, I don’t see why I should live ” or “In our family we don’t succeed…” These are not unfamiliar statements. But is life really meant to be this sad? Is there anyone that God created to suffer?

By Robert Bake Tumuhaise

“I am tired and about to give up…”, “I am a total failure, I don’t see why I should live ” or “In our family we don’t succeed…” These are not unfamiliar statements. But is life really meant to be this sad? Is there anyone that God created to suffer?

My belief is that each of us can choose to succeed against the odds. You too can determine what future you want to have, irrespective of your past or present. Personally, I wasted a couple of years looking for jobs, until I decided to take a step and act on my own dreams. Now I see my destiny being shaped everyday.

What I want to emphasise is action. Let me challenge you to remember your New Year’s resolutions. Probably you promised yourself to register your company; resign from your job, wed or quit alcohol e.t.c. Now that we are about to get into the third month of the year, what steps have you taken to achieve those goals?

One of the forces that often tie our hands is fear. Fear often comes through negative thought. Thinking of the bad things that might happen instead of the good things that could happen.

Negative thoughts are like weeds. If left free, they ruin your harvest. Successful people are men or women of action. In the Bible, the book of James says faith without action is dead. Next week I will share how you can bid farewell to procrastination.

Robert Bake Tumuhaise,
World of Inspiration, and
Founder Authors’ Forum

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