Curl it up!

Apr 01, 2011

IT is official. Curls are back with a bang whether short, long, small or big, just have your hair up in curls and you are in vogue.

By Leilah Nankya

IT is official. Curls are back with a bang whether short, long, small or big, just have your hair up in curls and you are in vogue.

The beauty of curls is you can have them either with your natural hair or with a piece.

To get curls in your natural hair, go to a professional hair stylist and ask for palm rolls. These, however, are best suited for those with thick hair and the hairdo can look good for about two weeks. Palm rolls cost about sh10,000 to sh30,000, depending on where you go.

Don’t have thick hair? Just plait cornrows overnight and when you undo them in the morning, do not comb your hair and voila, you have curls!

Cornrows too much work for you? Then tonging your hair is the way to go.

If none of the above options suits you, go for a hair piece. Synthetic curly pieces cost between sh10,000 and sh30,000, while human hair goes for sh15,000 to sh70,000.

Consider the shape of your face when choosing curls. If you have a small, round face, avoid curls that cover your forehead or are too bulky; these suit a long face.

Regarding maintenance, use a wide-tooth comb for long curls, while for short curls, just running your fingers through them keeps them neat.

Choose a good quality hair piece and make sure to use a hair spray often, to maintain its shine and curls.

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