Wakiso church holds mass wedding

Apr 05, 2011

THREE couples were wedded at Cornerstone Dominion Cathedral in a bid to reduce the cost of holding a wedding for each couple.

By Francis Emorut

THREE couples were wedded at Cornerstone Dominion Cathedral in a bid to reduce the cost of holding a wedding for each couple.

Joseph Esabu and Hellen Adong, Constance Kagaaga and Billy Kagaaga, and Vincent Sebyayi and Rose Nasazi were on Sunday wedded at the cathedral located in Namugongo, Wakiso district.

Bishop Dawn Brimah-Willis joined the couples who took their vows in turns.

To seal the event the couples signed the church’s marriage book.

The bishop advised the wedded couples to love and respect each other.

She said this was the first time for the church to conduct a mass wedding.

Kagaaga, who had lived with his wife for 30 years, said God spoke through Bishop Brimah-Willis that he needed to sanctify his marriage and he heeded the call.

The human resource administrator with Masterwood Investment, Kagaaga said he has three children at university.

Esabu has been with his wife for 21 years.

Sebyayi, a pastor in Seeta Bajjo, said he did not have enough money to hold a wedding on his own.

The church held a reception for the couples, their families and friends.

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