Corridors of power

Apr 19, 2011

“IF it is an offence to protest the high food prices, then I am guilty. If it is an offence to speak out on people’s misery, then I am guilty,” DP president Norbert Mao commenting about his arrest over the walk-to-work demonstration.

They said it:
“IF it is an offence to protest the high food prices, then I am guilty. If it is an offence to speak out on people’s misery, then I am guilty,” DP president Norbert Mao commenting about his arrest over the walk-to-work demonstration.

If Besigye demonstrates, will it bring down international oil prices because he has demonstrated? Will it rain because he has held a demonstration,” President Yoweri Museveni commenting on the recent walk-to-work demonstrations by FDC leader Dr Kizza Besigye and his colleagues.

“The LRA leader, Joseph Kony, is not here, but his spirits of violence, burning houses and war are still with us. It is unfortunate that our own sons and daughters like Beatrice Anywar, Odonga Otto and Mao are at the forefront of the demonstrations,” Bishop Johnson Gakumba of Northern Uganda Diocese, castigating the opposition for shunning dialogue and resorting to violence.

“A patient pays any amount of money the doctor charges because it is only the doctor who knows the sickness. Even if it does not require that amount, the patient just pays it ignorantly. So, keep yourself clean not to get sick,” John Okwonga, Amuru district health inspector while awarding winners of a hygiene competition.

“The savings you make should be used for developmental purposes and not for buying alcohol. Emulate your colleagues who have used such money to build houses and start income-generating projects,” Jinja municipal council principal education officer Jonathan Kamwana advising teachers on the importance of saving.

“Mankind has managed to accomplish so many things. We can fly! We can see, hear and speak to one another from the furthest ends of the earth. And yet the force of gravity which draws us down is powerful,” Pope Benedict warning against man’s pride to believe that technology will give him the powers of God.

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